Saturday, April 28, 2012


I don't generally wear a ton of dresses, but I have recently bought 5 dresses so I guess I will be wearing dresses this summer.  Here is a preview.  Note that they all look better in person than in these pictures... I have a demin jacket to wear over the red dress and may wear a white sweater over the pink flower dress.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Winter bedroom options

I'm ready to change my bedroom over to winter decorating.

Here is the new quilt for the end of the bed:

I bought navy blue towels, I am thinking of embroidering either a cardinal or a white snowflake

And do a pillow in navy blue for my bed with this reindeer
And maybe pillows for my chairs on burlap with something like this:
I've already switched out the shell pictures in my bathroom for these:

Thoughts?  suggestions?  Comments?  Which snowflake do you like best?  Snowflake or cardinal on the towels? 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Here is a sample stitch of the coral pattern I am doing on my green silk lumbar pillow.  Since it turned out pretty well, I offered it to Beth for either her house or for Mary's beach house.

Here is the coral on the green silk fabric.
Here is the monogram for the other side:
Next is making the piping and putting it together...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

TV purchased

I was at Best Buy tonight and purchased a TV.  It was more than I wanted to pay, but I think I got a pretty good deal.  It is a 46" Toshiba.  Retail is $899, Amazon has it for $600 and I got an open box (meaning somebody returned it) for $499.

I also bought the mounting kit.  Best Buy will come install it on 7/30.  In the meantime I need to:
get an outlet moved 
buy a Blu-Ray player or Roku box
upgrade to HD with Time Warner Cable
get HD box
figure out where to out blu-ray player & TWC box.  They can go in a remote location, but I will need a univeral remote.  OR, I can get a box that will make all the devices remote (repeater, approx $200).  This might be a longer term solution, the boxes might just sit on the floor for now (despite how much I DO NOT want cables showing).  

Here it is:

And here is how the size looks on my wall, not as big as I thought it might look.
Notice that you can see my smaller shell prints in the chairs for the bathroom.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pictures for bathroom

I am thinking about these pictures for my bathroom.  Since my bathroom doesn't have any color on its own so I thought it might make sense to add some color in the pics.
These over the hand towel rings:

And this over the tub/towel bar:

And, this in the toilet room:

Here are the old pics.  I still like them, but I am leaning towards the ones above.
Whelks over tub.  Tide pool in toilet room (actually a little better size than the shell above)

Monday, April 18, 2011

This was my inspiration room.  But the accent colors aren't what I would do.  I want an off-white bedspread, not white, not ivory, somewhere in-between so I have more flexibility in accents (white or off-white).  Of course, I would embroider some throw pillows probably white with off white thread.  Maybe an off-white/ivory pillow with some taupe (a bee perhaps)?  Re-upholster my chairs in an off-white fabric with some texture for interest.  Dark furniture, not black.  (Sarah Richardson)

Of course I will use these lamps (Restoration Hardware)

I have this quilt ready to go

Maybe a headboard made of fake leather like (Restoration Hardware):

Maybe a picture with these colors (Bed, Bath & Beyond) - OR shell posters in post from 6/30:

I got this quilt in porcelain blue from Pottery Barn:

or this:  (Pottery Barn)
Green throw (or maybe something more aqua)

Here are the fabrics for my throw pillows.
I'll do 2 - 24inch in the sea fabric with green beading trim
I'll embroider coral in cream on the green silk in a 12x16 lumbar.

I'm planning on doing 2 embroidered pillows (14 inch?), 1 for each chair.  Maybe a blue crab, starfish, or octopus.

Mostly taupe/brown with some pale blue/green accents like the seahorses.
Pottery Barn

Use blue/green/purple instead of red
SRC embroidery

In winter, switch to darker colors, like (Pottery Barn):

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here are some pictures of me: